1. What are the ethical issues that seem to enslave this growing industry?
Some of the ethical issues that seem to enslave this male order bride industry are:
1. The trafficking of women and girls into servile marriage through ‘mail-order bride’ channels – is yet another frontier in the global struggle against contemporary slavery and the multiple ways in which women and girls are exploited.
2. Many websites which catalogue mail-order brides are venues for pornography and prostitution.
3. This industry also leads to a sexual abuse of women involved.
As we can observe most issues that seem to enslave in this growing industry are all unethical to the society as for what our standard of morality dictates.
2. Is there much of a difference between the mail order brides industry or companies that provide escort services versus meeting someone over the Internet in a chat room?
Mail order brides industry don't really have so much difference when we compare it with meeting someone over the internet in a chat room. Because mail order bride still uses the chat and webcam facility for both parties to communicate. The only difference is that in mail order bride your intention is purely to find someone to marry from other country you like where as meeting someone over internet chat have purpose depending on the person chatting whether to find friends, just for socializing or to find someone to be a part of his/her life.
3. Does this industry differ much from arranged marriages that take place in some cultures? Or in the case of "female escorts", does this differ from prostitution?
We cannot consider this industry as the same from arranged marriage that take place in some cultures because arranged marriages in some cultures is done to couples were their families are well known between the two and some even arrange marriage though their children are not yet in the right age while mail order bride seeks someone for you to marry whom you really don't know the entire background. Females escorts have some form of prostituition in it though just through the internet so its the same with prostituition.
4. By drawing out ethical principles your have learned, discuss
your opinion about these ethical questions raised.
Considerng those different ethical principles, I personally cannot really say that mail order brides are completely unethical. If we look into the other side, some may have good outcomes in mail order brides, a perfect marriage for example. The issue of mail order brides as ethical or not still lies on the culture or set of norms in a society that critizes it and on ones personal decision whether to consider it as bad or good depending on the persons standard of morality.
5. Some sites that have "mail order bride" and the like contents.